Constitution & Bylaws
Updated Bylaws 2020
The members of the Oyster Bay Fire Company No. 1 are organized for the purpose of preventing and extinguishing fires, to protect life and property, and to promote the welfare of the community in which they serve.
By-Laws and Rules
The members of this Company, in order to establish discipline, define duty, and promote objectives for which they are associated, do ordain and adopt the following code of laws for the government of their Company.
Article II Membership
The Company shall be comprised of active, life and honorary members. An active member shall be one who has been elected by the membership and listed on the roll of the Company.
Active members of the Company shall be classified as Firefighter (FF), EMS/Firefighter (EMS/FF), or Emergency Medical Services (EMS) members.
An EMS member shall be a special type of active member of the company having the same duties and privileges as all active members except as may be limited or redefined in these Bylaws. EMS members shall be assigned to a special unit of the Company called the Fire/Medic Unit. Following their successful completion of the probationary period, EMS members must continue to possess a minimum EMT certification to remain in the Fire/Medic Unit. EMS members will have one (1) year from the expiration date of their EMT certification to renew their certification or obtain the minimum certification of EMT. The Chief may extend this period to a maximum (18) month due to course scheduling, availability, or student attendance difficulties.
EMS/FF members are members who possess an EMS certification and perform both firematic duties and EMS duties but are not members of the Fire/Medic Unit. However, they will respond with the Fire/Medic Unit.
Firefighter members are members who perform firematic duties. However, they will respond, as required by the Officer in Charge to assist, or otherwise work with the EMS personnel.
An honorary member shall be a former active member who has faithfully served ten (10) years in the Company; he may attend meetings but not be entitled to a voice or vote.
A life member shall be an active member with a minimum of twenty-five (25) years of service or a member who is an ex-chief with 20 years of service.
The active membership of the Company shall not exceed one hundred (100) members. Seventy-Five (75) shall be Firefighter and Firefighter/EMS members and twenty-five (25) members shall be EMS members assigned to the Fire/Medic Unit.
An applicant for membership shall be required to have the following qualifications: he/she must be a legal resident of the United States; not under seventeen (17) years of age, of good moral character; be proposed by one member in good standing or noted as a “walk in” or internet applicant; must have resided or worked in the Fire District for at least sixty (60) day immediately preceding the date of application, excepting transfers from other volunteer fire companies who will have no length of residency requirements, but must submit a letter from his former company or department attesting to his being a capable fireman; and must present a doctor’s certificate showing physical fitness.
All applicants for membership who have not attained the age of twenty-one (21) years shall be required to furnish the Company with a release of liability from their parents or guardians.
An initiation fee of $5.00 shall accompany each application for membership, to be returned if the applicant is rejected. Any applicant who is rejected for membership must wait for a period of six (6) months from the date of rejection before re-applying for membership in this company.
Any member who is a student in high school may not leave school to attend any alarm. Any non-resident, who has a full time job within the fire district, must maintain full time status at that job or he/she will be dropped from the rolls. A person who lives in a fire district or fire protection district that is adjacent to Oyster Bay Fire Protection District may apply for membership in Oyster Bay Fire Company #1.
All candidates for membership shall be publicly proposed at a regular meeting and the Chief shall appoint an investigation committee of three (3). This committee shall report at the next regular meeting, and the Company shall vote on the candidate. The election shall be by ballot and approval by a majority of the members present shall be necessary for acceptance. If any fact on said application is found to be in error or misrepresented by the applicant, then that application will be considered void and not presented to the Company for voting.
Any firefighter applicant who shall have been accepted as an active probationary member shall first serve a period of two year probation, and in that two year period must attend the following courses as per the Nassau County Fire Service Academy: Essentials of Firefighting, and Primary Training. These courses will count towards the members 12 sessions as described in the Article II Section 11. In the event that the Member completes his/her required training prior to the end of the two year probation, he/she will be eligible to be removed from probation by the Chiefs Office. However, the Member must serve a minimum of one year probation.
EMS probationary members shall serve a one-year probationary period and must attain a minimum certification of EMT before being eligible to be removed from probationary status. The Chiefs may grant extensions of this one (1) year period if deemed necessary due to course scheduling, availability, or student attendance difficulties. In addition to EMT Certification, EMS probationary members will complete the same minimum training as non- EMS probationary members except attendance at the probationary actual firefighting course at the Nassau County Fire Service Academy. In place of the actual firefighting courses, EMS probationary members will attend four (4) two (2) hour EMS probationary training sessions to be designed by the Chiefs. EMS probationary members can satisfy the above four (4) training sessions by attending the EMT course. EMS probationary members will receive company training on all company apparatus and equipment for familiarization and recognition purposes.
At the expiration of the probationary period, the Chiefs shall review the record of the member and they shall recommend to the Company whether he should be continued as an active member or dropped from the roll. Any applicant who shall be accepted as an active probationary member, who has satisfactorily completed the probationary requirements of a previous fire company or department, to which he belonged, shall be exempt from probationary requirements, but must still serve the one (1) year period of probation as deemed by the previous paragraph. The applicant’s previous record must be verifiable.
Any probationary member accepted into the company AFTER January 1, 2011, shall NOT participate in any extracurricular activities ( Bowling, Golf, Softball, Drill Team) until the following criteria is met:
Fire Personnel: All required County schools such as Primary, Essentials, and any future class made mandatory by the Nassau County Fire Service Academy subsequent to the passing of this by-law shall apply. The member must be enrolled in the course, during or prior to participating in an extracurricular event. Special circumstances such as course availability will also apply. In the event that the member “drops out” or does not attend – the said member will not be permitted to participate in such activities until he/she has been reinstated into a class.
EMS Personnel: The EMS member must be enrolled in an EMT-B program during or prior to participating in an extracurricular event. Special circumstances such as course availability will apply. In the event that the member “drops out” or does not attend – the said member will not be permitted to participate in such activities until he/she has been reinstated into a class.
Probationary members who have prior time from other departments who have already completed the above, and have the proper documentation shall be exempt from this requirement.
Any probationary member accepted in the company after January 1st 2011, may not vote on any motion, make or second any motion, nor vote in any Company election for a period of the first 6 months of their probationary period.
A member of the Company in good standing may resign by submitting his resignation in writing. Said resignation shall be noted in the minutes of the first regular meeting following its receipt, and may be rejected by the Company. No member may resign while charges are pending against him. Any member who moves to a residence beyond the boundaries of the Oyster Bay Fire Protection District shall be dropped from membership in the Company, except where approval is granted for continuation of membership under either of the following paragraphs:
A) A member moving to a residence within one (1) mile of the existing Fire Protection District boundary may submit a written request to remain on the active roll prior to moving. Such request shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors and their recommendation shall be reported back to the membership at the next regular meeting of the Company for approval or disapproval.
B) A member moving to a residence beyond one (1) mile from the existing Fire Protection District boundary may submit a written request to remain on the active rolls prior to moving provided such member has, at the time of submission of such request, achieved the minimum point requirement set forth under other provisions of these by-laws. Such requests shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors and their recommendation shall be reported back to the membership at the next regular meeting of the Company for approval or disapproval.
C) In the event any request is approved, such approval shall be subject to such member maintaining the minimum point requirements yearly. Upon failure to achieve and maintain the minimum point requirement under company by-laws, such member shall be dropped from membership in the Company.
D) In no event, at any given time, shall there be more than six members among the active membership who are non-residents as described herein. Non-resident members removed from active membership under this section who have attained the required amount of service may be placed on the honorary list.
E) Any honorary member may submit a request to be reinstated to the active roll of the Company under the provisions of this section. Honorary members requesting reinstatement under this paragraph shall also satisfy the other requirements of this section.
F) In no event, at any given time, shall a non-resident member residing beyond one (1) mile from the existing Fire Protection District boundary be eligible to hold a line office in the Company.
G) Members who work regularly in the Fire Protection District but do not reside therein shall not be subject to this section.
Any honorary member who wishes to return to active status must submit a request to the Company in writing he will be required to pass a physical exam administered by the Company physician. The request will be turned over to an investigating committee comprised of the three present Chiefs to review his past performance and to make a recommendation for readmission by the next regular meeting. The request will be voted upon by ballot vote and must be approved by a majority of the members present and voting under the order of business “proposal of candidates for membership”. All honorary members’ requests for reinstatement to active status will have priority over new candidates.
The provisions of this section shall become effective only upon adoption of this section according to the provision relating thereto, and shall not be retroactive in effect.
Any former member who had completed less than ten (10) years of active service in this Fire Company, upon reinstatement shall have his active time returned. Such returned time will be effective for all provisions of these by-laws.
Life members shall be afforded all the privileges and benefits of an active member.
All active members who have served faithfully for five (5) consecutive years shall be presented with an exemption certificate at the first regular meeting following completion of the required continuous term of service. All active members who have faithfully served for twenty (20) years shall be presented with a distinctive badge and for each five- (5) years of service thereafter they shall be presented with a badge to denote the additional period of service.
It shall be the duty of each member to attend at least one (1) of every three (3) regular meetings; to respond to all alarms whenever possible; to aid and assist the officers in carrying out the purpose for which this Company is organized; to serve faithfully on committees, and to attend all other calls of the Company whenever possible. Life members shall be exempt from the requirements of this paragraph, but shall be required to make one meeting in a calendar year to maintain their active status without additional service credit. A Life member who attends a minimum of four (4) meetings per year shall receive credit for a year of service in the company.
Each active member shall receive a uniform from the Company and shall be liable for all loss or damage to the uniform or any part thereof, except for ordinary wear and tear.
Members responding to an alarm when activated shall assist in conveying the apparatus to the place of an emergency and do all in their power, under direction of the Officers, to extinguish the fire and aid in preserving life and property; when the alarm is completed, members shall aid in returning the apparatus to the firehouse unless excused by the Officer in charge. Before the roll is called the Officer in charge shall see that the apparatus is thoroughly cleansed and inspected after it is returned to the firehouse and left ready for the next alarm.
It shall be the duty of each active member to achieve the following minimum percentage of activities annually based upon his/her number of years of service as of December 31.
Any member that makes his/her required percentage for the year or are within 5% of their requirement shall receive 1 (one) year of service. Any member making a minimum of 50% up to within 5% of his/her yearly required percentage points shall receive ½ (one half) year of service. Any member not making a minimum of 50% of his/her required yearly points shall not receive credit for that year.
The exception to this by-law shall be any member who has had a leave of absence as per article II section 12. In such cases the member(s) chargeable events shall be prorated to reflect time not on leave.
Any member who fails to achieve their required percentage three (3) consecutive years in a row shall be dropped from the rolls of the company as of January 1st the following year. Members who are eligible to be placed on the “Honorary List” shall be placed “Honorary” but shall not be permitted to return to “Active” for three (3) years. The Chiefs shall take into account reasons for lack of percentage such as: leave of absence, medical leave, or other excusal that was documented and approved by the Chief of Department.
0 – 5 years inclusive 45%
6 -10 years inclusive 40%
11-15 years inclusive 35%
16-20 years inclusive 30%
21-25 years inclusive 25%
26-30 years inclusive 20%
31-35 years inclusive 15%
over 35 years No minimum requirement
Notwithstanding any other requirements, members of the Fire/Medic Unit shall attend the following number of signal 9s:
0-5 years inclusive 30%
6-10 years inclusive 25%
over 10 years 20%
A) Activities shall be defined in two (2) categories:
1. Firematic activities
2. Fire-Medic Activities
3. Activities receiving bonus points
B) FIREMATIC ACTIVITIES – The following activities shall be charged as firematic activities to all members, except the fire medic unit:
1. Each general alarm sounded
2. Each regular meeting
3. Each special meeting
4. Each fire school (County and Company)
5. Each call of the Company parade
6. Each call of the Company Wake or Funeral
7. Each call of the Company Clean up
8. Ambulance calls (one (1) round of the whistles) shall not be counted as firematic activities to all members generally. However, members answering such alarms shall receive credit for responding and they shall also be included as an activity in determining their firematic percentage.
C) FIRE-MEDIC ACTIVITIES – the following activities shall be charged as chargeable activities to the Fire-Medic Members:
a. Each Ambulance call (one (1) round of the whistles)
b. Each regular company meeting.
c. Each special company meeting
d. Each EMS training session and meeting
e. Each fire school where Fire-Medics are directed to attend
f. Each call of the company parade
g. Each call of the company wake or funeral
h. Each call of the company clean up
i. General Alarms shall not be counted as a chargeable activity to the Fire-Medic members, generally. However, general alarms for a confirmed building fire, auto accidents, CO alarms and rescue call will be chargeable activities and unit members will respond. Fire-Medics members answering other general alarms shall receive credit for responding and they shall also be included as an activity in determining their percentage.
D) BONUS POINT ACTIVITIES – The following activities shall receive the percentage points indicated and they shall be added to each member’s annual firematic percentage to arrive at his total annual percentage of activities. These points will be given only at the end of the year.
1. Attendance at all other calls of the Company not mentioned above and any other activity so designated by the officers shall receive an additional one-half (1/2) of a percentage point.
2. Committee work shall not automatically receive credit in the system. The officers shall designate any committee work, which, in their opinion, warrants such recognition and those men shall receive a minimum of one-half (1/2 of a percentage point but not more than two (2) percentage points for each committee.
E) The following members shall annually receive the additional percentage points indicated in recognition of duties performed, provided the duty is performed:
1. Current Officers 5 Percentage Points
2. Ex Chiefs 5 Percentage Points
3. Current AEMT’s 4 Percentage Points
4. Chief Engineer and Assistants 2 Percentage Points
5. Current EMT’s 2 Percentage Points
6. Delegates and Alternates to Firematic Org. and Conventions 1 Percentage Point
7. Past Presidents 5 Percentage Points
8. Department Chauffeur 3 Percentage Points (Qualified Operator of all Department Emergency Equipment)
F) The percentage point system shall cover the period from January 1 to December 31 annually. It shall be reviewed quarterly by the Chiefs. Members who are lax will be notified of such to enable them to improve their record before year-end.
G) The responsibility for maintaining the point system shall be the duty of the First Assistant Chief and the Financial Secretary. They will post the firematic percentage of each member monthly in the firehouse on the approved form(s).
H) 1. Members responding to alarms between the hours of 11 P.M. and 7 A.M. will receive credit for attendance at two (2) alarms but be charged with one (1).
2. For every ambulance alarm and auto accident alarm, members who respond and transport to the hospital on the ambulance will receive credit for attendance at two (2) alarms but be charged for one (1).
I) Any member having belonged to any volunteer fire company or department whose active record can be verified by the Chief will receive up to ten (10) years credit in this Fire Company on a year for year basis. This credit will be effective for the point system and fire schools, not for time of service or for election purposes in this Fire Company.
Life members shall be exempt from the percentage point system.
Members unable to attend any call of the Company, including meetings, shall be required to submit a written excuse to the Chief otherwise no excuse will be given. The Chief shall have the authority to excuse members from attendance at firematic training sessions provided a written excuse is submitted.
A) On-Duty Medical Leave
An active member with an on-duty illness or injury, upon notifying the Chief will be placed on an on-duty medical leave. Members with this type of leave are not permitted to respond to or participate in alarms, standbys or non-classroom training sessions. This on-duty illness or injury medical leave shall be considered active time in the Company and this time can be used for running for office, honorary membership, life membership, etc.
In the event that the member had not returned to full duty in six months, the member will meet with the company physician who will make a determination, while consulting with the member’s physician, as to returning the member to full duty or continuing with medical leave.
In the even that the member continues with medical leave, every six months thereafter, the member will meet with the company physician who will make a determination, while consulting with the member’s physician, as to returning the member to full duty or continuing with medical leave.
B) Off-Duty Medical Leave
An active member may request an off-duty medical leave from the Company for any off duty illness at any time by submitting a written request with an accompanying letter from his/her physician explaining that their current medical condition renders them incapable of performing his/her duties. In the letter, the physician must include an approximate date of return. The member, if capable, will continue to attend meetings and is eligible to attend social functions. In the event the off duty illness or injury is job related to the member, (ie: workers compensation case) the member shall participate in activities as determined by the Company Physician. To return to full duty, the member must submit a written request with a clearance letter from his/her physician.
In the event that the member had not returned to full duty in 120 days, the member will meet with the company physician who will make a determination, while consulting with the member’s physician, as to returning the member to full duty or continuing with medical leave. At the discretion of the Chief, the member may be required to visit with the department physician at any time.
In the event that the member continues with medical leave, every 90 days thereafter, the member will meet with the company physician who will make a determination, while consulting with the member’s physician, as to returning the member to full duty or continuing with medical leave.
This off-duty illness or injury medical leave shall be considered active time in the Company and this time can be used for running for office, honorary membership, life membership, etc.
C) Maternity Leave
An active member may request a maternity leave from the Company at any time by submitting a written request to the Chief. The member will continue to attend meetings and is eligible to attend social functions. The maternity leave will conclude ninety days after giving birth. At that time, the member will submit a clearance letter from her physician or the company physician, stating she is capable of resuming full duties. A member, after giving birth, may return to duty prior to the ninety days by submitting a clearance letter from her physician. Failure to return to the active rolls or be granted another approved leave, the member will be dropped from the rolls. A maternity leave shall be considered active time in the company, and this time can be used for running for office, honorary membership, life membership, etc.
A member who’s wife or significant other is pregnant or has already given birth, may request a 90 day leave of absence at any time during the pregnancy or up to 90 days after the birth of the child.
D) Personal Leave
An active member may request a personal leave from the company at any time by submitting a written request to the office of the three Chiefs for their approval, as long as the member’s points are up to date and there are no charges pending against the member, at which time a three month leave of absence can be granted. If refused, a member may appeal to the Board of Ex-Chiefs. A member may return prior to the completion of the three months by submitting a written request to the Chief.
An extension of personal leave can be permitted when a written request for an extension is submitted to the office of the three Chiefs for their approval. Personal leave will be granted in three month extensions, not to exceed six months.
Personal leave shall be considered active time in the Company, and this time can be used for running for office, honorary membership, life membership, etc.
An active member may request a 90 day leave of absence which will be automatically grated. This leave shall not be considered active time in the Company and this time can not be used for running for office, honorary membership, life membership, etc.
E) College Excuse
An active member may request a college excuse from the Company my submitting a written request to be approved by the three Chiefs. This request may be granted for up to five years to permit the member to attend college.
The member will be expected to attend all firematic activities when not at college. Upon completion of a calendar year, if the member meets his/hers requirements of the point system, the member will be granted one year of service. If the member does not meet the requirements of the points system, but attains 50% of his/her requirement, the member will be granted six months of service. If the member attains less than 50% of his/hers requirement of the point system, credit will not be given. The member may cancel the college excuse by submitting a written request to the Chief.
A) All active members shall be required to attend the following minimum number of fire schools per year based upon their years of active service as of December 31st. The Company shall provide a minimum of twenty-four (24) training sessions a year. These will include both County and Company conducted classes. Life members shall not be required to attend any sessions.
Years of Service | Minimum Requirement |
0 to 2 inclusive | 12 Sessions |
3 to 5 inclusive | 10 Sessions |
6 to 10 inclusive | 8 Sessions |
11 to 15 inclusive | 6 Sessions |
16 to 20 inclusive | 4 Sessions |
Over 20 Years | 1 Sessions |
EMS/Firefighter and Firefighter members with zero (0) to ten (10) years of service inclusive, must attend the required number of sessions of actual firefighting given at the Fire Service Academy equal to one completion card per year.
EMS members training requirements:
Years of Service | Minimum Requirement |
0 To 2 Years Inclusive | 8 Sessions |
3 To 5 Years Inclusive | 6 Sessions |
6 To 10 Years Inclusive | 4 Sessions |
10 Plus Years | 2 Sessions |
B) Members attending other training courses or sessions shall receive credit for attending under this section provided one (1) of the following requirements has been satisfied.
1. Prior approval has been obtained from the Chief or one (1) of his Assistant Chiefs.
2. The course has been approved by the Officers.
3. The course has been approved by a majority of the members present at a regular or special meeting.
C) All of the records of each member will be reviewed by the Chief Officers quarterly. Appropriate actions will be taken by them to ensure the efficient operation of the Company and the proper participation of the members. The records of all probationary members will be subject to review by the Chief Officers at any time during their probationary period. Appropriate actions will be taken by them to ensure that all probationary members are performing all of their duties and responsibilities
A) Members 0 to 25 years of service are required to make four clean ups. Members 26 to 35 years of services are required to make two clean ups.
B) Trustees will hold 12 clean ups per year, two of which will be specifically for Memorial Day.
A) “A member shall be kept on the rolls of the Company for the period he is on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. However the maximum years of credit for service in the Company will not exceed the period of his first enlistment or initial service requirement.”
B) “Any member upon his discharge from the armed forces of the United States, must within sixty (60) days notify the Company in writing of his intent to return to active service in the Company, or he will be removed from the active rolls.”
A) An active Firefighter or EMS Firefighter wishing to join the Fire/Medic Unit or a Fire/Medic Unit member wishing to become a Firefighter or EMS/Firefighter shall be permitted to do so provided he/she submits his/her request in writing to the Chief no later than June 1st or December 1st. The member must be in good standing and have satisfied the minimum requirement of the current year as of December 31st as specified in the Bylaws. The Chiefs shall review the request and recommend approval or disapproval to the membership at the June or December Company meeting. A recommendation for disapproval shall require a statement of the reason from the Chiefs. Approval of the Chiefs recommendation by the membership shall require a majority of the vote be cast to pass. The transfer shall be made only during the transfer period, which shall during the month of January or July. Transfer to the Fire/Medic Unit will only be made if it will not exceed the maximum membership in the unit as defined in the Bylaws. Upon transfer, the member will assume the probationary period and requirements for the status to which he or she has transferred to.
A member in good standing shall be an active member or life member who has made his/her requirements as per the by-laws as of December 31 of the previous year, and is not currently on a full or social suspension. Any member who currently holds an office in the fire company who is placed on suspension, shall be considered a member not in good standing, but shall not be removed from office unless charged and found guilty under Article 5 section 5. A member may return to good standing upon completion of his/her suspension or after fulfilling the requirements set forth by the chief’s office of the Oyster Bay Fire Department.
Article III Meetings
The annual meeting of the Company shall be held each year on the third Tuesday in December at eight (8) P.M.
The regular meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday evenings of each month at eight (8) P.M. Should a meeting fall on a holiday, it shall be postponed to the following evening, same hour.
Special meetings shall be called by the Chief whenever he determines such a meeting is necessary; when required by the by-laws; or upon the written request of ten active members in good standing. Notice of all special meetings shall be sent by the Financial Secretary to all active members at least 48 hours in advance of the special meeting, via email and via the alarm dispatch text notification system and the telephone notification system.
An Officers meeting shall be held quarterly. Additional Officers meetings shall be subject to the call of the Chief.
Nine (9) members shall constitute a quorum to do business at all regular and special meetings. A majority of the Officers shall constitute a quorum to do business at Officers meetings except at disciplinary hearings when a minimum of ten (10) Officers shall constitute a quorum to conduct the hearing. A majority of the members of a committee shall constitute a quorum to do business at committee meetings.
Article IV
Officers: Their Duties And Qualifications
The Officers of this Company shall consist of a Chief, 1st Assistant Chief, 2nd Assistant Chief, Captain, EMS Captain, Lieutenant, EMS Lieutenant, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, four (4) elected Trustees.
The Officers shall be divided into two categories: Line Officers and Administrative Officers.
The Line Officers shall consist of the Chief, 1st Assistant Chief, 2nd Assistant Chief, Captain, EMS Captain, Lieutenant, and the EMS Lieutenant.
The Administrative Officers shall consist of the Trustees, Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer.
These Officers shall in turn appoint men for the position of Chaplain, Rabbi, Doctor or Surgeon, as they deem sufficient. The men so appointed to these positions shall not be subject to the provisions of Article II of these By-laws. However, if a man serving in one of these positions becomes an active member of the Company then the exemption to Article II shall be nullified.
“Board of Directors” The Board of Directors, consisting of all of the Officers defined in paragraph 1 of this Section, shall have the power to establish from time to time policy of the Company which shall not be in conflict with these By-laws, and to make major administrative decisions, not considered to be routine, day-to-day decisions, and which are not in conflict with these By-laws.”
DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The duties and the powers of the Officers of the Company shall be as follows:
CHIEF: The Chief shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees, take command of all alarms, serve as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, approve candidates for appointment to the position of engineer, shall appoint and remove all chauffeurs, grant leaves of absence or excuse a member from performance of duty, fill any vacancies which may occur among the Officers till an election can be held, and perform such other duties, necessarily incident to such office, as may be imposed by the Company. He may expend an amount not to exceed nine hundred ninety nine dollars ($999.00) for immediate repairs or for any emergencies that in his opinion may exist. He shall countersign all checks drawn and signed by the Treasurer. He shall be a member Ex-Officio with the right to vote on all Committees. He shall see that the apparatus of the Company and all equipment there to, are kept in order.
FIRST ASSISTANT CHIEF: The First Assistant Chief shall attend all meetings, shall aid the Chief in the discharge of his duties, and in the absence of the Chief, shall act as Chief. He shall recommend to the Chief, for approval, candidates for the position of Engineer; recommend to the Chief, for approval, candidates for the position of chauffeur; shall oversee the training of the chauffeurs; shall oversee the duties of the financial secretary; shall assign the duties of the Engineers and through the Lieutenant, shall maintain general supervision of the Engineers. In the Absence Chief he shall countersign all checks drawn and signed by the Treasurer.
SECOND ASSISTANT CHIEF: The Second Assistant Chief shall attend all meetings; shall aid the Chief in the discharge of his duties and, in the absence of the Chief and First Assistant Chief shall act as Chief.
CAPTAIN: The Captain shall attend all meetings; shall aid the Chief in the discharge of his duties and in the absence of the Chief, First Assistant Chief and the Second Assistant Chief shall act as Chief. The Captain shall, in conjunction with the Lieutenant insure that all fire apparatus is in a condition to respond to alarms at all times; shall insure that all lost, damaged or unserviceable equipment is repaired or replaced. The Captain shall report all of the above to the Chief; at the scene of an alarm shall immediately report to the Officer in charge; shall be present and assist at training sessions.
EMS CAPTAIN: The EMS Captain shall attend all meetings; shall aid the Chief in the discharge of his duties and in the absence of the Chief, First Assistant Chief and the Second Assistant Chief during Rescue Alarms & MVA’s shall act as Chief. The EMS Captain shall, in conjunction with the EMS Lieutenant, insure that all EMS apparatus is in a condition to respond to alarms at all times; shall insure that all lost, damaged or unserviceable EMS equipment is repaired or replaced. The EMS Captain shall report all of the above to the Chief; at the scene of an alarm shall immediately report to the Officer in charge; shall oversee the training of the FireMedic Squad and be present and assist at firematic training sessions.
LIEUTENANT: The Lieutenant shall attend all meetings; shall aid the Chief in the discharge of his duties and in the absence of the Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief and Captain shall act as Chief. The Lieutenant in conjunction with the Captain, shall insure that all equipment is in a serviceable condition at all times and at the conclusion of an alarm, the equipment and apparatus is put back in a ready condition as soon as possible; at the scene of an alarm shall immediately report to the Officer in charge; shall be responsible to supervise the work of the Engineers; shall be present and assist at training sessions.
EMS LIEUTENANT: The EMS Lieutenant shall attend all meetings, shall aid the Chief in the discharge of his duties and in the absence of the Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief, EMS Captain, Captain, during Rescue Alarms [Sig. 9 & MVA], shall act as Chief. The EMS Lieutenant, in conjunction with the EMS Captain, shall insure that all EMS equipment is in serviceable condition at all times and at the conclusion of alarms, the EMS equipment and apparatus is put back in a ready condition as soon as possible; at the scene of a Rescue Alarm [Sig. 9 & MVA] shall immediately report to the EMS Captain; shall be responsible to supervise the work of the Ambulance / Rehab Engineers and Medical Technicians.
SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep a full and correct record of the meetings; notify each newly elected member of his election to membership. He/she shall conduct all correspondence of the Company except the monthly Company Newsletter, and in case of inability to attend any meeting of the Company, he/she shall deliver to the Company records that are ordinarily required. In consideration of the faithful discharge of his duties, he shall receive the sum of $1000.00 annually.
FINANCIAL SECRETARY: The Financial Secretary shall keep a correct roll of the Company and call same at each meeting. He/she shall collect all money due the Company and pay the same to the Treasurer of the Company. He shall complete all exemption certificates. Rolls of the Company shall be kept and taken care of by the Financial Secretary. Logs shall be kept separately for all calls of the Company. He/she shall maintain complete and correct records of the point system for each member, and by the first week of each month post in the firehouse the previous months and year to date points report. He/she shall prepare a monthly Company Newsletter outlining the times and dates for all Call of the Company events and for all other events as deemed required by the Officers and send a copy of the same to all active members by email prior to the first of each month. He/she shall be the Officer and Administrator of Record for maintenance of the New York State Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP). He/she shall maintain all records required by the New York State Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) and prepare all records and questionnaires require by the State and other authorities for this program. In the event that a Company member is injured in the line of duty, he/she shall prepare all forms and reports as required by insurance carriers and the municipality. He/she shall be responsible for maintaining the computer database of active membership data, including an email address designated by each member for receipt of Company communications. In consideration of the faithful discharge of his/her duties he/she shall receive the sum of $1000.00 annually.
TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive all money collected by the Financial Secretary, and give his receipt for same. He shall pay all bills passed by the Company and signed by two or more Trustees. He shall keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements and report state of finances at each regular meeting, and submit an annual report at the end of each fiscal year. He shall deposit all money received in the bank or banks designated by the Company. He shall sign all checks and for the faithful discharge of his duties shall receive the sum of $1000.00 annually.
TRUSTEES: The Trustees shall annually examine the books of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, and have an audit made and make an annual report of the Treasurer prior to the annual meeting of the Company. They shall act as the purchasing committee of the Company; they shall be responsible for all properties of the Company. They shall appoint a mechanic who shall act as custodian of the property of the Company, and shall fix his salary subject to the approval of the Company. In consideration of the faithful discharge of his duties, he shall receive the sum of $1,000.00 annually.
The chain of command of the Oyster Bay Fire Company No. 1 at all fire and general alarms and firematic functions shall be:
1st Assistant Chief
2nd Assistant Chief
Fire Captain
Fire Lieutenant
The chain of command of the Oyster Bay Fire Company No. 1 at EMS alarms and functions shall be:
1st Assistant Chief
2nd Assistant Chief
EMS Captain
Fire Captain
EMS Lieutenant
Fire Lieutenant
In the absence of ALL of the above officers, an Ex-Chief shall assume command until duly relieved by one of the above named Officers.
1. An active member in good standing with a minimum of seven (7) years of active service in this Company.
2. Must have held the position of 1st Assistant Chief or 2nd Assistant Chief of this Company for at least one (1) term.
3. Must be bondable
4. Must have successfully completed the incident command course give the Nassau County Fire Service Academy or the course equivalent.
5. Must have completed the Officers Training Course given by the NCFSA. 6. Must be a qualified chauffeur on all Company apparatus.
1. An active member in good standing with a minimum of six (6) years of active service in this Company.
2. Must have held the position of 2nd Assistant Chief, Captain or Lieutenant of this Company for at least one (1) term.
3. Must have successfully completed the Officers Training course given by the Nassau County Fire Service Academy.
4. Must be a qualified chauffeur on all Company apparatus.
5. Must be bondable
6. Must have successfully completed the Incident Command course given by the NCFSA.
1. An active member in good standing with a minimum of five (5) years of active service in this Company.
2. Must have successfully completed the Officers Training course given by the Nassau County Fire Service Academy.
3. Must be a qualified chauffeur on all Company apparatus.
4. Must be bondable
5. Must have successfully completed the Incident Command course given by the NCFSA.
1. An active member in good standing with a minimum of four (4) years of service in this Fire Company.
2. Must be a qualified driver on two pieces of Company Apparatus, excluding pick- up, van and drill team equipment.
3. Must have at least two (2) completion cards in actual firefighting given by the Nassau County Fire Service Academy.
4. Must have completed the Officers Training Course given by the NCFSA.
1. An active member in good standing with at least three (3) years of active service in this company.
2. Must be a qualified chauffeur on the Rehab Unit & Ambulance.
3. Must be certified NYS Emergency Medical Technician.
1. An active member in good standing with at least three (3) years of active service in this Company.
2. Must be a qualified driver on two pieces of Company apparatus, excluding pick-up, van and drill team equipment.
3. Must have at least two (2) completion cards in actual firefighting given by the Nassau County Fire Service Academy.
4. Must have completed the Officers Training Course given by the NCFSA.
1. An active member in good standing with at least two (2) years of active service in the Company.
2. Must be a Driver on the Ambulance.
3. Must hold a minimum certification of a NYS Emergency Medical Technician for a minimum of one (1) year.
1. An active member in good standing with at least one (1) year of active service in this Company.
2. Ability to compose letters and transcribe minutes of meetings.
1. An active member in good standing with at least one (1) year of active service in this Company.
2. Must be able to compile statistics and prepare reports.
1. An active member in good standing with at least four (4) years of active service in this Company.
2. Ability to maintain Financial Records and prepare reports.
3. Must be bondable.
1. An active member in good standing with at least three (3) years of active service in this Company.
2. Must be bondable
Article V
Neglect Of Duties
A. Any member who shall neglect the duties as prescribed by the by-laws or such additional duties as may be defined by the Company, other than attendance at meetings, shall be subject to disciplinary actions by the Chief Officers of the Company. The Chief Officers of the Company are designated as the disciplinary Officers and are responsible to impose such discipline as may be necessary for the efficient and safe operation of the Fire Company. All disciplined members will receive a written copy of the discipline imposed as soon as possible and a copy will be placed in their Company personal file.
B. Any member receiving disciplinary action from the Chief is entitled to a hearing before the Disciplinary Review Board for the purpose of a review of that discipline. This request must be in writing and must be hand delivered to a Chief within three (3) days of receipt of such disciplinary action. The hearing will be scheduled within ten (10) days of receipt of the request. This hearing may be postponed for extenuating circumstances on the part of any of the principal parties involved in the hearing.
C. The Disciplinary Review Board shall consist of seven (7) Active and Life Ex-Chiefs selected by lottery by the senior and junior Ex-Chiefs available, upon notification from the Chiefs Office, for each specific review. If seven (7) Ex-Chiefs cannot be selected, than five (5) Ex-Chiefs will comprise the Review Board. The Review Board will select one of their own to act as the Hearing Chairman, whose only duty will be to ensure that the hearing is conducted in an orderly manner and that all parties are given an equal opportunity to be heard. after the Disciplinary Review Board hears all persons concerned with the incident, they will make a finding, by a majority vote, as to the discipline that will be imposed. The decision of the Review Board will be final. A report of the findings of the Disciplinary Review Board will be read to the membership, for information only, at the next regular Company meeting under the order of business with New Business.
D. When the action or the act of admission by a member is of a nature that expulsion from the Fire Company is recommended by the Chief Officers of the Fire Company, the Chiefs must request, in writing to the Company Secretary, a hearing before the Company Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors will call for the hearing within ten(10) days of the receipt of the request by the Secretary. The Chief Officers do not have the authority to remove a member from the roles of the Fire Company. This hearing may be postponed for extenuating circumstances on the part of any of the principal parties involved in the hearing. There must be a quorum of ten (10) members of the Board of the Directors present to conduct the hearing. The Chiefs will present the charges being preferred and all details leading to the recommendation for dismissal from the Company. The Board of Directors will hear all parties concerned with the incident in question and they will then vote on the expulsion recommendation. Only the Board may consider the issue of expulsion. If a unanimous decision by The Board of Directors present is not reached for expulsion of the member, the issue will be returned to the Chief Officers to decide on another form of disciplinary action.
Any member who is disorderly or is determined to be unfit for duty at any Company function shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Chief in Charge.
The Chief in Charge may immediately suspend a member for any conduct, act, or act of admission that violates the safe and efficient operation of the Fire Company, or is in violation of the rules, regulations, or the By-Laws of the Fire Company.
Any active member who has not served at least ten (10) consecutive years, and who shall neglect his duty as to attendance of meetings, shall be notified by the Secretary that he has been discharged from the Company. Any active member who has completed ten (10) consecutive years, and who shall neglect his duty as to attendance of meetings, shall be notified by the Secretary that he has been transferred to honorary membership.
Charges of neglect of the duties prescribed by the By-Laws, or such additional duties as may be defined by the Company, may be preferred against an Officer by an active member in good standing at a regular meeting of the Company. The Officer charged with neglect of duty shall be given a hearing by the Company at a special meeting to be held within one (1) week after the meeting at which the charges are preferred, and any Officer who shall be judged guilty by a two-thirds majority of the members present shall be removed from office and shall not be privileged again to hold an office in this Company for a period of five years from the date of removal.
Article VI
Nominations & Elections
A) Nominations to each and any office of the Company as defined under Article IV, Section 2, shall be made from the floor at the regular meeting of the Company for the months of October and November each year. To be valid a nomination must receive a second. Additional nominations may be made in writing, signed by the person making the nomination and the person making the second. Such written nominations must be delivered to the Secretary of the Company no later than eight (8) P.M. on the date of the November meeting. Any member nominated must verbally accept at the time of the nomination or have delivered to the Secretary of the Company no later than eight (8) p.m. on the night of the nomination. A written and signed acceptance of such nomination or the nomination shall not be accepted. A member not nominated in accordance with either of the foregoing procedures shall NOT be considered a valid candidate for any office of the Company.
B) In order for any member to be nominated for a position as an Officer of the Oyster Bay Fire Company No. 1, he/she must:
1. Be qualified for that office at the time of his/her nomination excepting the years of service qualification, which must be met before assumption of office rather than the time of nomination.
2. Be a “member of good standing“, which, for the purposes of nomination, shall mean that the member:
- a. Has been removed from probation.
- b. Is neither socially suspended nor fully suspended at the time of nomination.
- c. Is current with respect to his/her points requirements as of September 30 of the current year.
- d. Has completed at least ¾ of his/her fire/ems school requirements and ¾ of his/her cleanup requirements as of September 30 of the current year. (cleanup requirement delayed to 2021)
C) A Qualifications Committee, consisting of the Junior Active Ex-Chief as Chairmen and two additional members in good standing, shall be appointed at the August meeting. All members who wish to be nominated for an office must submit their name and qualifications to the committee before the meeting that they are being nominated at. The Financial Secretary shall provide the Committee with a points report during the first week of October, which report shall detail each member’s performance with respect to points, fireschools, EMS schools and cleanups. The Committee will verify the qualifications and present a list, by office, of all qualified perspective candidates to the nomination chairperson, Additionally, the committee will present a list to the nomination chairperson of all members, if any, who have sought nomination and deemed to not be qualified, along with the specific reason why such member or members was deemed not to be qualified.
Elections – The Officers of the Company shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Company and all Officers elected shall assume their respective offices on January 1st. Any active member in good standing, who has been nominated in accordance with these By-laws, shall be eligible to hold office. When more than one candidate has been nominated for an office, the election shall be by individual ballot and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to constitute an election. If there are more than two candidates and no one receives 51% of the votes cast, a special runoff election will be held immediately following the regular election. The candidates with the two highest votes will have a runoff election until one candidate receives 51% of the votes cast.
The polls for the election of Officers at the annual meeting shall be open from 7 P.M. until 9 P.M. The judge of the election shall declare the polls closed at 9 P.M. sharp. Should a re-ballot be necessary due to a tie vote, the runoff election will be conducted immediately between those candidates tied and the polls will remain open only long enough to allow those members present an opportunity to cast their ballots. The judge and tellers shall maintain a record of those members casting their ballots to insure only one ballot is cast per member.
Absentee Ballot
Any member wishing to cast a vote for the election of officers at the annual election and is unable to cast the ballot during the time the polls are open, must contact the judge anytime after the November Meeting, but no later than 24 hours prior to the opening of the polls. At that time the member will receive a written ballot, complete it, fold it in such a way that his vote cannot be viewed, place the ballot in an envelope, seal it and the member and the judge will sign over the sealed opening. The sealed ballot will remain in the custody of the judge until the opening of the polls at which time the sealed envelope will be opened by the judge in view of the tellers. The ballot will remain folded and placed into the ballot box thereby completing the vote.
All officers with the exception of the elected Trustees shall serve a term of one (1) year. Two (2) Trustees shall be elected each even numbered year to serve a term of two (2) years and two (2) Trustees shall be elected each odd numbered year to serve a term of two (2) years. There shall be no limit set forth as to the number of consecutive terms that an Officer may hold in any one office. Any Officer elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the un-expired term of the office to which he has been elected. No member shall run simultaneously for two elected positions. A member who currently holds an elected position (the old position) may run for a different elected position (the new position). If the member is elected to the new position, such election shall constitute an automatic resignation of the old position as of the day the member begins his or her term in the new position.
Vacancies occurring among the Officers of the Company shall be filled by election at the first regular meeting after the vacancy occurs, provided forty-eight (48) hours electronic notice of the election has been given to the members. Nominations shall be governed by the procedures defined in Section 1 of this Article as they pertain to the method of nominations, the acceptance of a nomination by the candidate, and the qualifications of a candidate. A Qualifications Committee as defined in Section 1 Paragraph C, of this Article, shall be appointed at the regular meeting where the vacancy occurs and the same procedures shall be followed.
Article VII
Expenditure & Money
No expenditure of money, or contracts to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00)(except where otherwise provided by these By-laws) shall be made except on the vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting.
No expenditure of money to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars. ($2500.00) shall be made except at a special meeting of the Company with the exception of the normal operation of the Company.
No expenditure of money to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars. ($2500.00) shall be made except at a special meeting of the Company with the exception of the normal operation of the Company.
It shall be the duty of the Chairman of every committee handling money of the Company to render a written report thirty (30) days after the purpose for which it was appointed, and any member owing money for same shall be dropped from the rolls and shall not be qualified for reinstatement.
Article VIII
Order Of Business
The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
1. Two (2) copies of the previous meeting shall be made available for the members to read one-half hour (11/2) before the start of the regular meeting, used for information only, and shall be returned to the Secretary at the start of the meeting.
2. Pledge of allegiance to the flag
3. Introduction of candidates for membership
4. Treasurer’s report of finances
5. Trustees’ report
6. Chief’s report
7. Report of committees
8. Reading of new candidates applications
9. Presentation of bills and action on same
10. Reading of communications
11. Unfinished business
12. New business
13. Election of officers
- A. Appointment of qualifications committee
- B. Nominations
- C. Election by secret ballot
14. Election of new members by secret ballot
15. Appointing of committees
16. Report of alarms
17. Financial Secretary’s report
18. Good of the Company
19. Reading of the minutes of the current meeting for approval
20. Roll call
21. Motion for Adjournment
The order of business at special meetings shall be as follows:
1. Pledge of allegiance to the flag
2. Reading of the call of the meeting (No other business except that stated in the call may be transacted.)
3. Transaction of Special business
4. Reading of the minutes of the meeting for approval
5. Roll call
6. Motion for Adjournment
The order of business at a special meeting for the adoption of a By-Law shall be as follows:
1. Pledge of allegiance to the flag.
2. Reading of the call of the meeting. Reading of proposed By-Law.
3. Discussion of the By-Law and suggestions to the member proposing the By- Law for possible amendments.
4.Motions to amend or change the proposed By-Law must be made by the Member proposing the By-Law, motion to second may be made by any other member. Discussions of the motions. A two-thirds majority is required to adopt any amendment or change to the proposed By-Law.
5. Reading of the proposed By-Law with any adopted amendment or change.
6. Motion to accept the By-law. A two-thirds majority by written ballot is required to pass the proposed By-law.
7. Reading of the minutes of the meeting for approval.
8. Roll call
9. Motion for Adjournment
Article IX
A). To facilitate the orderly amendment and maintenance of the By-laws, the Chief shall appoint a By-law Committee. This committee shall be composed of at least one member from each of the following categories: an Ex-Chief, an active firefighter who is not an Ex-Chief, and an active Firemedic. The purpose of the Committee is to review proposed By-law changes for clarity and for conflict with other By-laws.
B). A written resolution to amend these By-laws may be presented by any active member or members. Such resolution shall be delivered to the Secretary on or before the Regular Meeting in any month. The Secretary shall read the proposed amendment to the department at the Regular meeting, provide a copy to the By-law Committee and shall mail a copy to all active members within ten (10) days of the Regular Meeting.
C). The By-law Committee shall convene on the first Tuesdays of February, May, August and November. The member or members proposing the amendment shall meet with the By-law committee on that Tuesday, or at such time that is arranged, for the purpose of reviewing the proposed amendment. The By-law committee shall review the by-law and make recommendations and suggestions to the member or members who proposed it and shall make a written report and deliver it to the Secretary. If the member or members do not meet with the By-law Committee, the By-law Committee shall report same, in writing, to the Secretary. It shall not be mandatory that the member or members proposing the amendment follow the recommendations of the By-law Committee.
D). Special By-law meetings shall be held on the second Tuesdays of February, May, August and November only. If multiple proposed amendments are calendared for one of the Special By-law meeting nights, the Chief, in his discretion, may postpone some to the proposed amendments until the fourth Tuesday of the same month. The Secretary shall open the meeting by reading the proposed amendment, together with the recommendations and report(s) of the By-law Committee. If the By-law Committee reported in writing that the member or members who proposed the amendment did not meet with the By-law Committee, the proposed amendment shall not be considered by the department for vote.
E). Only a member or members who proposed an amendment shall be permitted to move to amend the proposed amendment at the Special By-law Meeting.
F). Upon approval of an amendment to these By-laws, the Secretary shall deliver a copy of the approved amendment, in final form to the By-law Committee, and the Financial Secretary shall mail a copy to each active member with the following month’s newsletter. The Financial Secretary shall be the custodian of the By-laws and maintain a master copy of the By-laws, as they presently exist, at all times.
Robert’s Rules – Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern the meetings of the Company in-so-far as they are applicable to, and not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-laws of the Company.
The clubrooms and paraphernalia in the same are for the use of the members only.
In all articles of these By-laws where “Board of Officers” is mentioned, defined, and/or implied, it shall be deemed to pertain to the Board of Directors.
Each member of the Company shall be required to provide the Financial Secretary with current contact information, including a telephone number, physical address and email address.
Wherever these bylaws require that a member be notified of a company event, such as a special meeting, funeral, wake or any other call of the company event which was not included in the monthly newletter, such notification shall be made as least 48 hours in advance by email and through the alarm dispatch text notification system and telephone notification system.
Provides for members to notify the Financial Secretary that they want the monthly newsletter by regular mail.